by Richard | Jan 27, 2018 | teaching
At the end of June, another chapter in the adventures of the Galloway’s will come to an end, that being our adventure in Egypt. At the beginning of the month we decided not to renew our contract here at The British School Alexandria. It was a somewhat difficult...
by Richard Galloway | Jan 25, 2016 | classroom management, for teachers, teaching, Uncategorized
I came across a great article in the Atlantic by Jessica Lahey called Teaching: Just Like Performing Magic. In it she talks to Teller of Penn and Teller fame about his time as a teacher before he became famous. He taught Latin of all things but his point was how...
by Richard Galloway | Nov 24, 2015 | for parents, for teachers, learning, teaching, Uncategorized
Creative Schools: The Grassroots Revolution That’s Transforming Education By Ken Robinson, Lou Aronica Due to the fact I am not teaching full time I have more time than I otherwise would to think about teaching. The relationship between learning and teaching as well...
by Richard Galloway | Aug 22, 2015 | for teachers, teaching, teaching in the yukon, Uncategorized
It’s been almost 20 years since I had an interview. It’s probably longer since I had an interview that really mattered to me and this interview that’s coming up is one that matters. I want to teach and while I could substitute (literally it appears)...
by Richard Galloway | Feb 6, 2015 | teaching, Uncategorized
Have to give these guys a shout – great resource for free / limited use graphics. I just don’t have time to write and draw for my blog – struggle to find time to write.Substitute TeachingIt’s got to be a bit of a rite of passage for most educators...
by Richard Galloway | Dec 18, 2014 | portfolio, teaching, Uncategorized
My Practicum is over. I’ve not been in a classroom for six days and as I sit here in Whitehorse editing pictures for my blog I am suddenly hit by the realization that I miss my students. I have worked on and off in schools for eight years, three of them as a...