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I am an impatient man. It’s only been the last couple of years that it has dawned on me to what extent I have been driven by  impatience. Perhaps this wisdom is something that comes with age, one of the perks of being older, the ability to see that patience is indeed a virtue. 

At the moment I am teaching, albeit subbing, and coaching swimming. It is ironic that I have chosen to return to two professions where patience is a central pillar of not only success but of understanding. There is no quick fix in the classroom, no instant way to acquire knowledge or the ability to use it. Likewise there is no easy or quick way to become a good swimmer. It takes work and time. In other words patience. Of course it takes a great deal of other things as well, but without patience both student and teacher / coach will quickly be disappointed. 

In my defence and that of all impatient people everywhere, the world that we have created is at it’s very heart impatient. We want things and we want them now.  Gone is any notion of delayed gratification. If we can’t have it now then we don’t want it. I exaggerate but only slightly.  

Been spending time in K over the last few weeks. So much fun working with the little guys and gals. 

Been spending time in K over the last few weeks. So much fun working with the little guys and gals. 

So I am working on being patient. Patient with the fact that getting a job is harder than I hoped. Patient with my swimmers as they learn new skills and patient with myself as I continue to stumble through life. Having said that I may have stumbled onto something rather exciting which has renewed my optimism. Lots more research needs to be done… but watch this space. 

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