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The view from our deck, Mount Lorne, Yukon

The view from our deck, Mount Lorne, Yukon

I am still waiting to hear from Alberta Professional Standards. At this point paranoia starts to seep in. Is there something wrong, my degrees not up to par, my grades were sub par. Of course that’s all ridiculous I was a qualified teacher in the UK and so I would fall over backwards if they turned around and said my degree had no meaning here in Canada. 

At the end of last year there seemed a possibility that I could teach in NWT. Apparently each year in January a number of teachers don’t return from their holiday vacation and consequently the territory is desperate for teachers to take their place. Unfortunately having spoken to the lady in charge of recruiting teachers they are unable to consider me as my degree has not been validated by any Canadian teaching organization. It turns out that until that happens I will be unable to find a position anywhere in Canada. 

On a brighter note; on the way to discovering that it turns out that in the Yukon you are able to substitute teach with pretty much no qualifications at all. If you are qualified it a bonus and you get more money but the bar to entry is finishing school and a police record check. 

So having talked to the substitute teacher co-ordinator here in Whitehorse, a lovely lady called Lynn,  we decided to pack up our bags and relocate from Midland ON, to Whitehorse, YT. After travelling 8 days and covering around 5500km we arrived safely. You can read more about the journey at

We have settled in a place outside of Whitehorse (more of which I will write about at a later date) and tomorrow I will be introducing myself to the elementary schools in the area in the hope that I will be getting some substitute teaching work.  Wish me luck. 

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