An Acadian Festival
Schools are places of learning. For instance before I began at my current school, I did not know there was a place called Meteghan or anything about its rich Acadian culture. A culture that my ancestors did their best to suppress in the 1700’s. G2 has been looking at Meteghan and its Acadian roots over the last term, and as we come to the end of the unit the G2 teachers took it upon themselves to organize a festival of sorts. After all the Acadians are famous for theirs. So at the beginning of the week, with the help of some fabulous parent helpers we our festival. It involved face painting, music, some dancing, fishing, some lobster making and of course food. Mr Anderton’s G7 students cooked a Meteghan stew, which although wasn’t lobster based, was non the less delicious! If you click here you can see more photographs from our festival. (Password Protected.)
Face painting was part of the festival. One of my favourites was this little guy who choose to have the Acadian flag painted on his face. Nice one!