Grizzly Bears by 2v

We’ve got a bit of a Bear themed unit going on and these collages were inspired by First Nations artist Norval Morrisseau. If you’d like to see them enlarged you can click here (password protected).
If you hadn’t noticed art is an important part of what I want to do as an educator within the classroom. I think it plays an important part in providing a rounded education for students. I have seen first hand the validation it gives students who ordinarily struggle with other subject areas. I have seen it this teaching practice. We need a balance in the curriculum, and art and the humanities play an important part in that. Of course the only way that becomes a reality is if parents help elect people who see education as more than just churning out workers to drive the ever hungry economic beast. Anyway I digress. Our students made a valiant effort in first of all drawing their grizzly bears (and yes many look like anything but grizzlies, buffalo, dogs, cats amongst others) they then created organic shapes cut from construction paper to create their art. We are not using templates here so it is all their work and I am really proud of all their efforts. If you have the password you can see bigger versions of all the students work here.
For those of you who don’t know this artist, Norval Morrisseau, he’s worth becoming acquainted with. I love his art, it is both simple and complex at the same time. The more I look at it the more I appreciate how special this man was. He lead a hard, hard, life and was only really recognized towards the end. But if you know nothing else about him know this. He created his distinctive art with no outside influences beyond those around him. He created his own genre of art. This short piece from the CBC aired in 2006 is a sound introduction.
If you would like to see more of his art then here is a collection of some of his most well known work.